Today, we will be discussing the ways you can rebuild your funds, aswell as the reasons why you may have toMatched Betting can earn you a lot of money, the only problem is that sometimes problems occur which can wipe out a good chunk of your profits! These aren’t always mistakes, they can be life occurences. I had to rebuild my ‘pot’ again, when I took out a mortgage (for example).
Sometimes it’s good to make a purchase, book yourself a holiday as a reward for grafting behind your computer all year long! This topic is dedicated to restarting with limited funds. Below are my top tips for rebuilding your funds.
Sign In to your Active Accounts
Although this may be time consuming, it’s definitely worthwhile for you to sign into the accounts which you know you have already signed up to. You may find that you have some user specific promotions, or even better, cash that you had forgotten about. I check my accounts every 6 months and I often find money in my accounts.
Have you completed all of the sign up offers?
Now you know which bookies you’ve signed up to, it’s time to scroll through the list and check who you haven’t signed up for. If you haven’t been matched betting for a while, there’s a good chance that there’s some new bookmakers around which didn’t exist before. Easy money.
Clicking the link above will grant you a Trial account, perfect for smashing out some offers.
Bookmakers will want you back
Another Admin duty should be checking your emails. You don’t have to go back too far, maybe a weeks worth of emails. You can easily filter out ‘bet’ in your emails, if you have too many to manually sort through.
If you’ve taken a break from using a bookmaker, there’s a high chance that they will have emailed you at some point, to try and get you back betting.
Dead Account
Not every bookmaker will send out emails to inactive accounts. Some bookmakers only reward regular betting patterns, so it’s definitely worthwhile putting a few mug bets on, even if it’s just to re-activate your account. We’ve done this in the past, PaddyPower & William Hill were two bookmakers which gave us a ‘Welcome Back’ £10 Bet Token.
Avoid Casino Promotions (With Risk)
Avoid all Risk promotions where possible, unless the value is far too high. Following this guide means that you will be able to make profit consistently, without any chance of a loss. If you don’t have the bankroll to afford a few losses, it’s definitely not worth playing around with risky promotions. Stick to the Sports Bets, which will guarantee you profit.